GDP205 Computer graphics using shaders

GDP205 Computer graphics using shaders

This subject is designed to teach you the techniques and algorithms used in modern real-time rendering, with a focus on shader programming.

Computer Graphics (CG) has a history dating back decades. From humble beginnings in the 1940’s to the first mainstream use in movies in the 1970’s, CG kept improving over the years from simple wireframe renderings to complete 3-dimensional (3-D) representation of everyday objects.

As techniques improved so did their application in film and video games, with games evolving from text-based experiences to 2-dimensional and then the leap to real-time 3-D games was made.

Modern video games make use of advanced dedicated computer hardware to display amazingly life-like visuals, hardware which is now included with almost every mobile device today. With this subject you will learn how to take control of this hardware, making use of the OpenGL API to push the hardware to its limits.