GDC200B Game development project 4
GDC200B Game development project 4
In this unit, you will build upon skills learnt in GDC200A Game Development Project 3 and taking the 3D prototype designed in GDC200A, you will continue its implementation. You will work in groups to create a 3D Action or Role-Playing Game (RPG) using a commercial-level game engine, further exploring production and post-production stages of game development. The unit provides a more detailed overview of production stage including scheduling, budgeting, marketing and playtesting. You will apply previously acquired skills in GDC200A Game development project 3 to a substantial game prototype using advanced level design skills and manage the production of the project. In this unit, you will demonstrate acquired skills in player psychology and apply it to game development, moving from initial conception to a prototype, and adapt the scope and focus of your project using iterative system design principles throughout development.
You will work in a studio simulated environment for the production and evaluation of a commercially-viable product. Through playtesting, surveys, and critique, you will evaluate each other’s games and produce Playtesting and Quality Assurance, and post-production evaluation reports. You will provide constructive feedback to your peers in a professional manner and reflect upon and document your own performance and role in this project. The group project will utilise the individual skills of team members to collaboratively create a game or visual showpiece that will form your own professional portfolio. You will demonstrate intermediate level knowledge of project development while leveraging technical skills in the area of specialisation to complete and deliver a finished product and produce more detailed game documentation including Product Breakdown Structures.