Referee for Education Agent

Form for Referees to give feedback to AIE Institute on an Education Agents


Agent Details

Referee’s Details

Referee Name(Required)

Referee Feedback

Is this Agent currently representing your institution?(Required)
What is the overall quality and performance of this Agent?(Required)
How do you find the quality of applications being submitted by this Agent?(Required)
Has the Agent upheld the good name of partners and Australia at all times and have they proven to be reliable and ethical when recruiting students?(Required)
Does the Agent possess the ability to assess and match the educational needs and proficiency of prospective students?(Required)
Are there any complaints from students or other agents about this Agent?(Required)
Has the Agent provided accurate, truthful and timely information on the application procedures, course details, course fees, fee protection scheme, medical insurance and immigration regulations to students?(Required)
Would you recommend this Agent?(Required)
Referee Declaration(Required)